Monday, January 16, 2012

OK, just spent several minutes trying to pull together, and finish, one of the several blog posts I started back in December. Somehow, for some reason, it just mysteriously disappeared. Probably just a malfunction with my laptop, or Blogger, but I am going to take it as a sign.

Time to start over.

It is MLKJr. weekend, and although the family spent most of it sick, it was still a good, relaxing 3 days off. We just spent a lot of time together; listening to music, watching movies and TV, reading books. Today, everyone feels a little better, so as I type, Gwynn and Tim are baking cookies. Also, everyone but me due to my raspy cough, tried out the new snowshoes that Santa brought, on the meager bit of snow we actually do have, so that was good. Today we got Christmas put away too, which was, truly, my only absolute thing on the "to do list" for the weekend. You know, every year I say I am going to SIMPLIFY at Christmas, but more and more, I just think the holidays are a certain level of crazy. If you accept that and just go with the flow things kind of turn out better. That is going to be my new mantra. To hell with simplifying, just get on the crazy train and hold on tight, after all, things really do slow down in January.

When asked, I am the type of person that can usually pinpoint favorites. Favorite number, favorite holiday, favorite day of the week, but favorite month? Hmmmmm. Not sure I have ever really thought about that one. Now I LOVE LOVE LOVE summer since, being a teacher, I have never in all my years missed a summer vacation. But really, when I think about it, January ranks right up there. Sure it is cold and blustery, but out of that we USUALLY get some delays or snow days, and who doesn't love that? Plus cold winter days mean stayng cozy in the house, bundled up, under blankets on the couch. I always catch up on my reading in January. Then there is the fact that January is the start of a brand new year. My favorite holiday is New Year's Eve after all, with the festivity and fresh beginnings it encompasses. January is just an extention of the same.

Who knew. Favorite month - January. You find out something new about yourself every day.
And here we are, starting over. New Year, welcome. A fond farerwell 2011. You were a blast. 2012. I'm all yours.

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