Thursday, July 21, 2011

Phew! It has been as hot as an oven here, literally, for the last two days. And even the next two will prove to be warm. I am finding myself sweating in some odd places, and cursing my aversion to an air conditioner, but I am feeling a certain peace too. Summer is fully HERE, mentally, and the heat kind of confirms it, physically, making my mind so zen I can hardly stand it.

Even though I face the same thing each year, it always is frustrating to me how long it takes to let work go, and fully feel the summer vacation vibe. I wonder, sometimes, if people who work in the "real world" have the same problem, or if they fall into their shorter times off more flawlessly, knowing they need to make the most of it because it won't last. My inner planner kind of panics at 10 weeks off, and, to that end, it takes some time to relax into summer. We spend the first week making the house/porch/yard "summer ready," fueled in part by our annual 4th of July get together, but I think, even if we didn't host fireworks, we'd do the same. Then, it is usually a week at the beach, and that is where it all comes together. Finally, we return home, the house is ready for relaxin', my mind has floated off to sea, and my summer truly begins.

The last couple of days, while crazy hot, have also been wonderful. Yesterday, Tim had to work, but the kids and I just lazed around the house. I read the second half of my beach book in its entirety. I also did all the trip laundry, and went through the scads of mail and bills, but really, it was just a day down. Today, Tim got some house work done, Gwynn had a friend over, and I got out for a replenishing grocery stop, but along with those things came diving into yet another book for me, and a fishing trip with a friend for Devin and Tim.

Sitting, and sweating, on the porch right now, sipping some wine, and eating some spinach salad, I felt such a full sense of calm, mixed with such a feeling of promise. Yes, as always, it took a while, but now, summer stretches ahead of me. The ingredients are, friends, food, wine, trips, books, swimming, boating. Some mixing and stirring has happened, and I guess all it needed was some time in the oven to come out delicious!

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