Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hair cut and color. Life changing? Maybe not. Attitude shifting, mindset changing, for sure.

Have been waiting for September to end, and it does, tomorrow. Monday starts a new week at school, and a new month.

Today, in preparation, I got a cut and color, a little shorter, a little deeper.

The shorter is easy to put to metaphor. My languid summer days are gone, my free time is limited. I have to make each moment count. I have things that HAVE to be done, so that the things that I WANT to do can still exist. I need to find the pockets of time, for my own children, for Tim, for friends and family, and probably most importantly, for me. Still, when time is more precious, sometimes it is better spent.
I go shorter.

The deeper is a tough one to admit. There is pressure, I am pressured. There is new - everywhere. New classroom, new schedules all around, new reading series, math series, and Common Core standards. Probably the most stressful and intimidating "new" have been the new teacher evaluations. Each and every one of these things has pressed my mind to go deeper into who I am as a person, a worker, a teacher. I have had to remind myself of what I believe in for children, for education, and, ultimately, how I am going to navigate this new and turbulent storm. I have 14 more years in education, I have to make it work, and I can and will. My mind goes deeper. I can make it work, for me, and in turn, for my kids.

I go deeper.
Time carries on.
Welcome, October.


  1. Go, Cheryl! It is so tempting, so often, to throw up my hands in fear and frustration these days. Dig deep! <3 And find some people to share those frustrations and new, deeper ideas with...we can all use the therapy and reassurance of our trusted colleagues!

    1. Thank you Haley, and yes, I know:) I do need to reach out more. And you know, on that note, I have grand ideas of having a writing group one day...YOU are on my SHORT LIST!
      Thanks for the support on here.
