Friday, July 29, 2011

"Summer Half Drunk"

Cheap, I know, a catchy title, meant to peak your interest. And don't worry, I have not spent my summer half drunk. Wholly drunk a time or two, happily buzzed frequently, but half drunk seems a waste to me. Go big or go home!

Just kidding.

There is a half drunk phenomenon happening this summer at my house, though. The phenomenon of half drunk beverages ALL OVER my HOUSE! Tim and I have always prescribed to the saying (our own...) "There's always a glass in the living room." It applies to that moment, when you have just finished cleaning up the kitchen and happily head to the living room to sit down and relax. It is that moment that either the phone rings, or you find that one lingering glass, or plate or bowl that has eluded you on its way to the dishwasher. Well, when we are all hanging at home in the summer there is pretty much ALWAYS a glass in the living room, and, this summer it seems, the glasses, or bottles, or cans, are constantly half drunk.

Sprite in particular.
Does anyone REALLY like Sprite, or is it just one of those beverages you have at parties for that..."Eh, I'll have a Sprite," person?
In my opinion, it isn't really that good of a mixer, even.

Each year, for our Fourth of July party, we buy a few twelve packs of soda, figuring that then lots will be available, depending on who shows up, and then whatever is leftover can just start out our summer time at home. Each year we buy some Sprite. Each year, by the midpoint of summer, the beverages we bought in overload are gone, but each year, Sprite remains.

Two nights ago, Gwynn's friend Emma stayed over night. Cleaning up the next day, I found her half drunk can of Sprite in the kitchen. It's not just our kids, it's not just our family.
Seriously, does anyone, REALLY like Sprite?

Next year, 7Up.

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