Sunday, January 29, 2012

SO, a friend responding to my post on Facebook about sending Tim to get the groceries said I should write a book on living the good life...this is for you Mar.

It's a one outfit weekend, that's what it is.

It seems I am fully in my January Cocoon, and couldn't be happier. This week, Tim and I, through our while at work email exchanges, talked about a bunch of stuff we wanted to do over the weekend. As it stands, we've done, well, none of it. Friday was leftovers for dinner, and Tim's foil to my falling asleep on him on Thursday night. Saturday brought some running to hardware stores for him and Devin, and a little home improvement, but it was a day of homey-stuff and movies and slugging for Gwynn and myself, ending in some other re-purposed leftovers for dinner last night. In fact, yesterday I never even made it into a shower and into my outfit until about 3 o'clock.

Fast forward to today and after a lazy morning, full of coffee, and conversation over CBS Sunday Morning, which is quickly becoming our family's church, our day has been punctuated by music from a new discovery, laundry, and phone calls to cousins. There has been the necessary homework, and, as shared, Tim made the grocery run, but only to the next town over, to the IGA. Overall, it has just been a day full of meaningful solitude.

And I didn't get dressed today until 2, so you know what? I threw on the same thing as yesterday, merely changing my scarf. Yep, a one outfit weekend.

What it comes down to is the fact that our family is just so able to occupy, maybe not Wall Street, but certainly our West Bay Road home. I said to Tim that I was almost feeling like I was becoming a recluse. I am at the wintery point, even minus the snow, where I could care if I leave my home. Still, my ever present voice of reason, he replied by reminding me that our fall was VERY busy, followed by December and Christmas. And February is already filling up, with an upcoming gathering with good friends already on the calendar, February Break which will certainly involve some travel, and at the end of the month, a big 90th birtday bash for his Grandma.

Knowing that, I am suddenly no longer feeling guilty, or perplexed at my need. Solitude. Quiet. Reclusiveness. Family Time. Cocooning. Burrowing. Whatever you want to call it. Right now, that is what is going on here. It is what I want. It is what we need. And, if you ask me, it is how to live the good life.

At least for us.

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