Friday, August 30, 2013

Last Bits

Amen to squeezing out the last bits; of soap, toothpaste, condiments, or in our case this year, summer.

Being a two teacher family we have the rare luxury of a a whole family with a full summer off each year, and each year we revel in it, typically having several big events spread throughout. This year, though, life had other plans, and I almost allowed it to get me. But, it seems, I am good with the last bits. Have leftover food you need used up, I am your girl, at the ready spatula in hand. Have an old wardrobe staple the you just can't part with, I'll jazz it up with a new scarf or some fun earrings. Probably much of this is because necessity is the mother of invention, and lets face it, what teachers have in time, we do not have in dollars, but I'll take that time any day!

If we're being honest, we're pretty good with time around these parts too. We have packed more into our August than I would have expected to be able to, hence the NEED to write today before we jet off to camp, and return to our September. As I look back at the August calendar not more than two days are blank, and it was great! There were friends, and family events, and of course summer travel! In two weeks time we took in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York City. Even for a girl who adores travel, that is a lot, and I can truly say that fall, and staying put for a bit, are the focus right now. Usually at the end of summer I am still wanting for more, but this year, I am just happy to squeeze out the last bits.

So for lunch today I wilt on the porch, enjoying a wrap and a beer. The wrap is made with some turkey and cheese that needed to be used up. It is topped off with our homemade salsa from last night, crafted with the last bits of our "garden" offerings. The leftover salsa was augmented too, with the last bits of leftover corn, cut off the cob.

Yep, just a summery lunch on the porch, but again it seems, I am reminded that all I have is all I need, and to reimagine what is already in front of me is the best exercise in creativity that I could ask for.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Deep Summer

Here it is vacation, and I am having the hardest time today just trying to SLOW DOWN and do NOTHING.

We have been moving through summer, so far, at such a breakneck speed. And it seems like today, on one of our few days where we are "just home," I keep finding myself jumping up, thinking I ought to do something. I am looking around for Devin, even though I know he is off at the Renaissance Faire with his buddy. I am jumpy, pit of the stomach worried that there is something I am forgetting and there just is not. Probably a lot of this stress is the after effect of a full work week last week. Whatever is causing it, I need to get a grip. I need to say a mantra. I need to remind myself that we're all caught up.

All is done, all is well.

We've arrived at August. The dog days of summer as some might say. For us it is our anniversary month. Our time.

Deep summer. Yes. I prefer to think about it that way.

Around this time people start moving towards back to school, but around this time I usually feel like we are just hitting our summer stride. This year in particular. We've had a lot go on so far, but there is still much ahead. As we head into our family trip to Rhode Island and Connecticut next week, I want an agenda but I want it fluid. I want a list of places to go and things to do, but I want to progress through it organically, doing what strikes us along the way, perhaps not checking everything off and leaving ourselves wanting more in the form of a return trip at another time. I want to see the sights, feel the vibe, taste the ocean, in its natural form, and processed on a lobster roll.

I want to book our necessarily postponed anniversary trip, but only the hotel, again allowing us to explore the possibilities of our destination once we get there.

I want to savor the journey.
I want to drink in some summer sunshine.

It is certain that Fall will come in its flurry of busyness, but for now, I want to slow it down.

Welcome, my dear friend.
Welcome, deep summer.